Format a USB drive with an ESXi installer
I heavily borrowed this approach and associated commands from this Github project. To prep:
- Download the ESXi ISO file to a folder on your machine and name it esxi.iso
- Download the syslinux.cfg file from the Github project link into the same folder
- In Terminal,
to the destination directory where these two files live and do this:
Terminal commands
diskutil list
(This command is to identify your USB drive...in most cases it's /dev/disk2 but be careful!!! My commands below assume /dev/disk2!!11!111!!!!)
sudo diskutil eraseDisk MS-DOS ESXI MBR /dev/disk2
mkdir -p source
mkdir -p target
hdiutil mount esxi.iso -mountpoint ./source
cp -r source/ /Volumes/ESXI/
cp syslinux.cfg /Volumes/ESXI/
hdiutil eject ./source
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
diskutil eject /dev/disk2
Secure erase the primary Mac OS drive
First create a USB install of Mac OS, boot to it, and drop to Terminal. Then find your physical disk path:
diskutil list
Unmount it (in my case disk0
diskutil unmountDisk disk0
Then secure erase it:
diskutil secureErase 2 disk0
(Run diskutil secureErase
) to see all the options. I did option 2 which is a seven-pass "secure" erase)