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BPATTY[RELOADED] v1.2 release!

· 3 min read
Brian Johnson
Security Guy

Release notes for v1.2

New/updated content

  • - new!
  • bbot - new!
  • docker - new!
  • exiftool - new!
  • farmer.exe - added code snippet to help the WebClient service start automatically
  • - new!
  • - new!
  • - new!
  • hashcat - corrected information about IPMI cracking
  • impacket - new!
  • jq - new! - starting with a command to take just computer names and descriptions out of a computers.json file from BloodHound
  • klist - new!!
  • metasploit - added information about using an RHOSTS file, as well as logging all output to a "spool" file
  • - new! - takes a list of machines running WebClient and smashes it together with an output file full of machine names and descriptions
  • - new!
  • netexec - added better way to find hosts without SMB signing, as well as finding/sorting shares
  • nmap - added notes about finding "up" hosts from IPMI scan
  • - new! - script for Google dorking while also using ProtonVPN to rotate IPs
  • - new! - when you need to ping sweep through a list of hosts regularly to monitor when they come online!
  • ProtonVPN command line reference - new!
  • ProtonVPN IP cycler - new! - script to rotate your ProtonVPN IP every few minutes
  • - new!
  • - added correction to dumping hashes with history included
  • - new!
  • winrm - new! - for remoting into stuff
  • - new!
  • - new!

New things in the oven for future releases


General cleanup

  • Review all docs tagged with review
  • Go back into each tool page and provide the source download link
  • Under review: a BPATTY reader noted "I’d have to disagree with your comment in on bpatty, about a 401 unauthorized means the endpoint has been hardened. A 401 is exactly what we want as the web app is blocking us as we didn’t provide creds to log on. Having the site accessible is good news. Having a 403 Forbidden on the other hand, is generally bad news and I’ve never had this work."

Software and misc guides