A cool tool to grab screengrabs of interfaces/services.
From source
Install pre-reqs See the wiki for more info, but if you run mostly on Ubuntu like me I just follow the instructions from RunZero:
curl -o chrome.deb https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb && \
sudo apt install ./chrome.deb
Binary version
Run gowitness against an nmap XML file (using binary)
./gowitness-3.0.2-linux-amd64 scan nmap -f nmapscan.xml --write-db --write-screenshots -o --service-contains http -D
This example to gowitness against an nmap file and save a sqllitedb and screenshots (to screenshots
subdirectory) with debugging turned on.
Docker version
Run Docker against an nmap xml file (using Docker)
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data ghcr.io/sensepost/gowitness gowitness scan nmap -f myscan.xml --write-db --write-screenshots --service-contains http -o -D
Run Docker gowitness against a text file of IPs/subnets (using Docker)
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data ghcr.io/sensepost/gowitness gowitness scan cidr --cidr-file iplist.txt --write-db --write-screenshots --service-contains http -o -D
Compress it to bring elsewhere (optional, but I like to run my gowitness Web server on a different box):
sudo zip -r go.zip gowitness.sqlite3 screenshots/
Spin up a gowitness server to review results of your scan (using Docker)
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data -p7171:7171 ghcr.io/sensepost/gowitness gowitness report server --host --port 7171